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Game   Rules

•    The game is a multiplayer game and starts with a minimum of 3 players to a maximum of as many players you want to add.
•    The game starts with getting 13 cards/12 cards depending on the number of people and the number of cards each player wants to have with them .
•    There are certain number of decks used with specific number of people as shown:-
3 or 4 people - 1 deck
5,6 or 7 people - 2 decks
8,9 or 10 people – 3 decks 
And you can keep adding decks as and when you get more players.

•    Each deck has a specific number of points i.e 150 Points per deck:-


•    The number of partners to be chosen in this is very simple. You must have more non-partners than partners as it makes the game more competitive, however having equal number of partners and non-partners is also interesting. A simple calculation for number of partners is:-
Number of Partners:

Incase of odd number of people:
You should subtract 1 from the number of people if the number of people playing is odd and then divide it by 2 that’s the number of partners.
For example:
If you have 7 people playing , then the number of partners will be (7-1)/2=3 partners and the remaining 4 are non partners .

Incase of even number of people:
Here you can simply divide the number of people by 2 and there will be equal partners and non partners. However to make the game more competitive you can subtract 2 from the number of people and then divide by 2 and that’s the number of partners.
For example:
If you have 8 people playing then you have 2 ways to select the number of partners :

o    First/Common Method:
The simple way of choosing partners by dividing the number of people by 2 
For example :
You divide 8/2 which makes it 4 partners and 4 non partners .

o    Second/Competitive Method:
The simple way of choosing partners by deducting 2 from the number of people and then dividing the number of people by 2.  
For example :
You subtract 2 from 8(8-2=6) and then divide (6/2=3) which makes it 3 partners and 5 non partners .

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